Today was incredibly overwhelming. Started moving out of my apartment. I was only there for two months. The apartment was beautiful. Coolest neighborhood in the area. Living with my best friend. Would could possibly go wrong, right?
It wasn't what went wrong. Nothing went wrong. It's what DIDN'T happen. I never got comfortable there. I couldn't sleep. Didn't want to go out anywhere because I worried about bills. What's the point of living like that when I don't have to?
I feel like I've grown so much this year. Gone through SO much. A lot I don't ever want to go through again. Or even talk about. All situations where I learned incredibly important lessons.
- be careful what you wish for
-don't take things for granted
-appreciate the people who love you
-think positively
-live in the moment
All things you think would be easy to grasp. Things people have told you over and over again. But it's not easy. Life is never easy. A lot of positive things have happened this year as well. I went vegan (it's not perfect yet. but more on that another day.). I was promoted twice. Had two of the most amazing and memorable road trips/vacations of my life. I turned 21 and had the best birthday to date. All moments that are so close to my heart. I felt for the first time that I really was living my life.
For as awful as I feel about having to abandon my life in Cleveland Heights, I know it's for the best. I've tossed and turned over this for months. Today was the first day I spent any real time at the apartment in months. I've been living between there and home since November. I hate to get all astrological on everyone, but I'm a Cancer. Notoriously sensitive. A nester. They throw everything they have into making everyone around them comfortable and happy. Hell, thats one of the reasons I love my job so much. I love making people feel good. But for this next year I really want to focus on getting my life together. I want to get organized. Do yoga. Take more bubble baths. Take too many pictures. Travel to Rome to visit one of my best friends as she studies abroad for a semester. Spend a week in New York city just gorging myself on culture. My life is absolutely wonderful. It's time I stop taking it for granted.
So here's to a happy and healthy 2011. Thank you for letting me share this with you, followers. I hope we become great friends through the new year. I look forward to getting to know you.